რიტუალური არგო და ინტერნეტსივრცე (პრობლემის შესწავლის ზოგიერთი ასპექტის შესახებ)
Main Article Content
This paper makes assumptions that one of the varieties of sociolect that is ritual argo shall also include the lects of the secret social groups involved in the so called ‘deadly Internet games’ recently spreading in the Internet. The authors consider the following arguments to support this assumption:
1. This ‘language’ is a strictly secretive rather than just closed one. Disclosure of any details related to it is followed by severe punishment for the player.
2. The main function of the ‘language’ in question is to produce the maximum impact. Therefore, it is associated with symbols (blue as a symbol of despair), including biblical symbols (biblical whale), threats, blackmail, non-verbal means of communication, etc.
3. The process of the game is like one big ritual, which on its own, includes numerous other rituals. The paper raises the issue of the further in-depth research into the problem.