ენის ნაციონალიზაციისა და ინტერნაციონალიზაციის ასპექტები თურქული ენის სალექსიკონო მასალის საფუძველზე

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ქრისტინე ცინცაბაძე


The purpose of the article is to clarify the issue –what is the bigger problem for the modern Turkishlanguage: rapid internationalization of the language or strict nationalization?
It is generally known, that internationalization is not a big problem for each language, on the contrary, it can be said that specialists look at this issue positively, so it becomes easier to establish a connection between nations and cultures. However, the situation is different with respect to Turkish: the internationalization is a big problem for the Turkish language, they see the danger, it may result in weakening and degenerating the language.

გამოქვეყნებული: Mar 22, 2022

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